If your dog eats an orange, you might think, “can a dog eat an orange?” Here’s the good news: Yes, dogs can eat the meat part of oranges. Although not all fruits and vegetables are safe for dogs, it is no problem for dogs to eat a small number of oranges.

Although some dogs may not like the acidity of this citrus fruit, the orange fruit is safe and rich in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. If the dog does not have potential diseases such as diabetes, it is safe to eat these oranges. You should pay attention to the amount you eat and always remember to peel them.

Can Oranges Be Bad for Dogs?

The main problem with oranges for dogs is the sugar content. Oranges contain natural sugar, which is why they are so delicious for dogs and people.

Sugar means calories, so owners of overweight dogs may want to give them low-calorie snacks. Dogs with diabetes should not eat oranges because they cause their insulin levels to soar.

Pet owners should also make sure to remove the seeds from the oranges. Orange seeds contain traces of the toxic chemical cyanide. Although eating some orange seeds is not harmful to dogs, it is best to remove them from oranges before feeding.

In addition, citrus fruits contain a lot of acids, which can cause stomach discomfort and digestive problems, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Don’t eat more than one orange a day. Wait and see. If you don’t see any side effects, pet owners can give their dogs more food.

Benefits of Giving the Dog Oranges

The fleshy part of oranges is rich in nutrients that are good for dogs. These nutrients include:

Healthy Treat For Overweight Dogs

Reduce treats and snacks if your dog is overweight. Orange slices are an option, but carrots, broccoli, or apples might be preferable.

When giving orange slices to a diabetic dog, exercise caution. Orange slices can be hazardous for diabetic dogs due to their high sugar content.


Oranges contain a lot of potassium and are almost entirely made up of moisture. One crucial electrolyte is potassium. In order to keep pets from becoming dehydrated, it is frequently mixed into electrolyte powders and sports drinks. After a run, oranges are a great post-workout snack for you and your dog to rehydrate.

 Dog Drinks Orange Juice

Vitamin C

Given that dogs can make vitamin C on their own, it is not thought of as a necessary nutrient for them. However, certain life events, such as oxidative stress or smoke exposure, can make it challenging for your dog to synthesize the right amounts.

Giving your dog some vitamin C in their food can complete their daily intake and synthesis of this potent antioxidant.

Vitamin C is well known for boosting the immune system, but it also helps to protect the joints and fend off free radicals. Red bell peppers have higher levels of vitamin C than oranges, which is why they can be a good addition to your dog’s diet.

Soluble Fiber

Small amounts of this fiber are advantageous, whereas large amounts can cause loose stools and gas. Your dog’s colon ferments soluble fiber, resulting in the production of short-chain fatty acids. The gut epithelial cells, which line some of the digestive tracts, use these fatty acids as a source of energy.

Additionally, fiber feeds the gut flora in your dog, increasing the effectiveness of probiotic supplements. When the microbiome of your dog is well-fed and diverse, it can support your dog’s immune system and keep harmful bacteria from establishing a base of operations.


Citrus fruits may help humans avoid neurodegenerative conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Oranges appear to shield the brain due to their flavonoid and antioxidant content.

While other foods, like carrots, have flavonoids that target the brain and skin equally, some of the flavonoids in oranges have a higher affinity for the brain. Your dog might experience some of these same advantages even though there haven’t been studies on the subject that specifically focus on dogs.

Risks of Feeding Oranges to Dogs

Before providing your dog with new food, especially if diabetes or weight management is a problem, such as oranges, high content food. Oranges can affect the blood value of diabetes dogs. It is more because of vitamin C than sugar levels. These patients had better avoid oranges.

Choking Hazard

Seeds can be a choking hazard, especially for smaller dogs. If the seedless variety is out of season, other kinds of oranges can also be given to your dog, but remember to remove the seeds.

Too Sour

Citrus fruits are acidic, which can cause diarrhea or vomiting in some dogs. Start small, observe and wait for any negative reactions. If you don’t see any signs of negative side effects, you can add more, but don’t exceed the total recommended daily intake.

It is not recommended to give orange peel to dogs because they are difficult to decompose in the digestive system of dogs and may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Other citrus fruits, such as lemon, lime, and grapefruit, have meat that dogs can eat. However, most dogs don’t like them because they are too sour. Peel and seeds of all citrus fruits can also cause GI problems.

Orange Peel

Too Sweet

Oranges contain a lot of natural sugar. The sugar in oranges won’t be a problem if your dog is in good health. However, if your dog has diabetes, even a small amount of sugar can have negative effects. Giving your dog oranges may cause their blood sugar levels to spike if they have diabetes or other metabolic conditions.

Don’t forget to use moderation in everything. A few slices of fruit won’t harm your dog, but even healthy dogs can develop health issues from eating too much fruit.

Never again feed your dog orange slices if they cause any negative reactions.

When Are Oranges Dangerous To Dogs?

Oranges are safe for dogs to eat in moderation. Due to their high sugar and acid content, oranges have the potential to exacerbate pre-existing health issues. Ask for the vet’s advice before feeding oranges to your pet if:

Your Dog Has Diabetes

If your dog has diabetes, its blood sugar levels are likely to spike from time to time. Diabetes-prone dogs should avoid sugar-rich fruits, such as oranges, at all costs.

Your Dog Is Overweight

Oranges will also increase the calorie count, so if you have an overweight dog who enjoys the flavor of oranges, be aware of the additional calories this fruity snack adds to their daily allowance. Instead of giving your dog oranges, think about giving them strawberries since they have fewer calories than oranges. How to feed strawberries to your dog is available here.

Your Dog Suffers From Intestinal Problems

Orange consumption may cause stomach upset in dogs with delicate digestive systems. Ask your veterinarian for advice beforehand and keep an eye on your dog’s reaction to the fruit because the fruit’s high levels of acidity make it a problematic treat for dogs who have digestive problems.

Can Puppies Eat Oranges?

Oranges are edible by puppies, but only in very small amounts. Before giving your dog an orange, make sure the peel and seeds are removed. Keep an eye out for any unusual reactions.

Can Dogs Eat Blood Oranges?

blood oranges

The answer is that blood oranges make for good dog treats. Vitamin A, vitamin C, and other potent antioxidants are among the nutrients they contain that support the immune system. Give dogs blood oranges sparingly because they are high in natural sugar.

Benefits Of Blood Oranges

  • Vitamin C, A, potassium, and dietary fiber are all found in abundance in blood oranges.
  • Antioxidants found in abundance in blood oranges help guard dogs against diseases.

Risks Of Blood Oranges

  • Citrus oils found in blood oranges have been known to make dogs’ skin itch and become allergic to them.
  • Being so acidic, the fruit can upset a dog’s stomach if consumed in excess.

Make sure your dog only consumes the blood orange’s flesh. Because a dog’s stomach has trouble digesting blood orange skin, don’t give them the peels. Blood orange is not the only thing dogs can’t eat, there is other food you shouldn’t give to your dog. You can check out more information we have on:

Can Dogs Eat Orange Peel?

No. For dogs, oranges are good only if you feed them the fleshy part of the fruit. Like orange seeds, the orange peel may contain toxic compounds that are harmful to dogs.

Orange peel can also affect the digestive system of dogs. In extreme cases, the orange peel may cause blockage and require surgery. For safety, remove the white film from the orange peel, seeds, and pulp.

Can Dogs Drink Orange Juice?

No! Orange juice is not recommended for your dog. Fruit juice contains sugar and citric acid that are harmful to your dog. Giving your dog water is the best way to keep them hydrated.

How Much of an Orange Can Dogs Eat?

Orange should be considered as a snack, so it should not account for more than 10% of a dog’s daily calories. For most dogs, one or three orange slices are appropriate.

How to Feed Oranges to Dogs?

All snacks you give your dog (including any fruit, such as oranges) should never exceed 10% of the calories your dog consumes every day, so make sure to adjust the meal accordingly.

Small dogs without potential medical or health problems or insensitive gastrointestinal (GI) systems can safely eat 1-2 pieces of medium-sized oranges, while large dogs can eat 2-4 pieces.

  • Feed the peeled and seeded parts to the dog as a sweet enjoyment.
  • Put the peeled and seeded parts into Kong Toys (remember to wash them before and after).
  • Cut the peeled and seeded parts and use them as ingredients for dogs’ daily food.


Dogs can eat oranges and other fruits, such as apples, watermelons, peaches, and so on.

Oranges are a healthy snack for dogs, but eating too much may cause potential harm. Seedless navel oranges are better, but dogs can eat all kinds of oranges, including blood oranges, bergamot, small oranges, etc.