Your beloved shoes are being destroyed by your new puppy, urinating in your bed like a new puppy. Upon discovering damage to your shoes and bed caused by your new puppy. Disciplining a puppy takes time and consistency, but with the right direction, it can be completed in a few months. The significance of not punishing your puppy when it misbehaves is emphasized by veterinarians and dog behavior specialists. Please take your time reading this article if you want to learn how to train your puppy without using punishment.

Is Reprimanding Your Puppy Acceptable?

No is the quick reply. Punishing your puppy is not acceptable. Teaching a puppy that you are his friend and protector, as well as that you are dependable, predictable, and entertaining, is crucial during the first few months of his life.

If you discipline your puppy, he most likely won’t understand why he is being punished. If you yell at him, give him time-outs, or even give him a smack as a punishment for his actions, he won’t be able to understand what went wrong.

The puppy won’t associate the discipline with something he did – rather he will associate the discipline with you as an owner and learn to not trust you. You definitely don’t want this!

There is a common argument that says it is acceptable to discipline your dog because dogs correct each other, sometimes harshly.

Dogs learn to treat others the way they want to be treated because their social structures are extremely complex. Your puppy might act standoffish around him and snap when this dog gets too close if, for instance, he has observed that one dog at the dog park can be bold and rude.

On the other hand, if your new puppy learned that a dog is always amiable and sweet, he or she will be much more submissive and gentle around that nice dog.

The bond between a dog’s owner and the puppy is no different. The puppy will take note of the owner’s choice to be harsh and demanding and modify his behavior accordingly.

On the other hand, if the owner is dependable and kind, the puppy is much more likely to bond quickly and learn through positive reinforcement just as well — if not even much better.

5 Steps To Discipline A Puppy Without Punishment

Be Consistent

If Skip was instructed not to bark at the neighbors on Tuesday but you decide to ignore him on Wednesday, your dog will become confused and won’t pick up the desired behavior. Giving in to them “just this once” will reinforce the negative behavior, leading to a puppy problem continuing into a dog problem (and staying your problem).

Be Prompt

Only address a problem if you witness your puppy doing it. When you correct a puppy after ten minutes because they have chewed through the screen door, they won’t understand why you are upset. Petcube, a pet camera that will broadcast your voice if you catch your puppy at that screen door, allows you to keep an eye on your puppy from a distance.

Be Firm

A firm “no” from you signals to your puppy that their behavior is not ok, but yelling or physical aggression will just make them scared. Dogs interpret these reactions as threats to themselves because they are unable to understand that they are in response to a specific behavior.

The opposite of what you want to do is possible because it might make your dog fear you. Additionally, it can give your dog the impression that they are impervious to error, which makes them worry about your response.

how to discipline a puppy

Vocal or physical removal, such as removing your dog from the situation, are the best ways to convey your disapproval. A good puppy parent and trainer should exercise authority without losing their composure.

Let’s say you have doubts about your training strategies. To address your concerns regarding behavior, health, nutrition, and other pet-related issues, you can consult an expert on the go by using an online veterinarian.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Both rewarding good puppy behavior and discouraging bad behavior are crucial. Positive methods of rewarding your puppy for appropriate behavior include praise, treats, cuddles, and playtime. Give your puppy a treat, pet them, and just gush with praise whenever they do something you like.

They will understand what you want from them much better if you use positive reinforcement. You can even use a clicker or a verbal cue such as “yes!” to let them know they’ve done something well. When you told them to stop, did Dixie stop barking? Give Dixie a treat, and go, Dixie. Did Duke use the restroom outside? Tell him what a good boy he is; that’s awesome.

Give Timeouts

Apparently, timeouts are effective for more than just misbehaving children! Naughty puppies can also learn from timeouts, or “isolation”. The best use of timeouts is in response to aggressive behaviors like jumping up on people, nipping, mouthing, and some other types of aggression.

Pro tip: The best way to discipline your dog with timeouts is to give them some kind of verbal signal that you can say gently, (for example, “Oops!”) and then either leave the room (if you are alone) or lead them to an area where they will be separated from other people and dogs.

Additionally, crates make useful timeout areas. A timeout should ideally last no more than a few minutes.

The Don’ts Of Disciplining A Dog

Don’t Physically Discipline Your Dog

Since you treat your animals like members of the family, you would never want to harm a dog. It goes without saying that even if you are extremely irritated, you should never use physical force to correct your dog.

Never hit, slap, or threaten your dog out of spite. It’s time to hire a professional trainer if you ever feel like discipline is getting out of your control, or you can ask friends or family for help.

Discipline in the physical sphere can exacerbate the issue as well. Dogs find it difficult to link the punishment to the wrongdoing, so it is more likely that they will become fearful and less receptive to commands than that they will alter their bad behavior.

Don’t Yell Or Scream At Your Dog

Just as you can tell the difference between a bark and his play sounds, your dog can tell the difference between your normal voice and a shout. Your dog will eventually start tuning you out if all of your corrections come off an as loud noise to him.

Or, worse yet, screaming might frighten or excite your dog, which might encourage bad behavior. Use calm, concise commands while maintaining your composure.

Don’t Rub Your Dog’s Nose In An Accident

A puppy may need some time to figure out where it’s okay to relieve himself. It can be difficult for puppies to learn not to do the same thing inside given that dogs frequently mark their territory in many outdoor locations.

They can communicate with other animals by leaving a scent in their wake. Even if they are aware that they shouldn’t enter the house, they might not realize the seriousness of their behavior.

Don’t rub your dog’s accident in his nose to punish him. This may lead to anxiety problems or sever the relationship between the pet and owner. Make a mess of everything and lead your dog outside.

Don’t Allow Play That Isn’t Okay

A puppy’s behavior will not always be the best as he learns new things. There are so many alluring things in your home, so it’s critical that you establish which items are off-limits and which belong to him.

Chewing is one of the most prevalent behavioral issues that pet owners face. Keep them hidden or limit your dog’s access to certain areas of your home if you want to keep your shoes safe from your dog.

Don’t let a behavior continue because you find it cute or because you believe he will outgrow it. From the start, teach him how to play properly.

how to discipline a puppy

The Do’s Of How To Discipline A Dog

Do Reinforce Good Behaviors

In a perfect relationship, you can simply give your dog praise instead of worrying about enforcing rules. There are many ways to positively reinforce good behavior, and your dog will particularly enjoy receiving nutritious treats when he behaves properly. Your dog will work harder to make sure he obeys the rules and keeps you happy the more you reward him.

Do Catch Your Dog In The Act

Addressing a behavior or action while it is occurring or right away after it do so will result in effective dog training. Your dog cannot be punished for something that happened in the past. He will simply be unable to comprehend your punishment for him.

However, if you catch your dog in the act of misbehaving, you can correct him. This does not imply that you should booby trap your home and wait for your dog to make a mistake. Simply put, it means to keep an eye out for him and act appropriately and quickly if anything unusual happens.

Do Consider Your Dog’s Health

There’s a chance that a medical condition, such as a urinary tract infection, is to blame for your dog’s behavior if he suddenly starts to urinate on your carpets and furniture after having been successfully housebroken for a while.

You need to visit the veterinarian’s office because you can’t read minds. Since dogs don’t like to soil their living spaces, this could indicate a deeper issue.

Do Redirect Your Furry Friend

Redirection is one of the most effective methods to use when training your dog to obey commands. Give your dog a different, pet parent-approved option after stopping him in the middle of whatever he was doing first.

For example, if you walk into a room and notice him chewing your shoes or hairbrush, swiftly tell him “No!” and take the item out of his mouth. Give your dog a real chew toy once he has calmed down. Make sure to reinforce the positive behavior with lots of praise while he is chewing on the toy.

Final Words

Puppies can be difficult, but with the right training, your new pet can develop habits that will keep you both happy and safe. Once we communicate to our dog what we want and how good behavior benefits us, bad behavior stops. Avoid trying to discipline your dog during training; he won’t learn much and might begin to dislike you.

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