How much sleep a puppy should get is a common concern for new puppy parents. How much do puppies sleep? Although they are little bundles of energy, puppies sleep 18 to 20 hours per day on average.

It’s important to comprehend why dogs sleep so much and to be aware of the symptoms of excessive sleeping in dogs. In this article, we’ll explore puppy sleeping for you. Please keep reading.

Why Do Puppies Need To Sleep So Much?

As compared to an adult dogs, puppies sleep more. In a short period of time, their tiny bodies must undergo significant growth! The following things happen while your puppy is sleeping.

Brain Development

The only time your puppy’s brain has to process everything it learned while they were awake is during sleep. It’s also the time when the brain purges itself of any toxins that have accumulated while you were awake.

Clearing toxins from the brain aids in the growth of cognitive stability. When your puppy gets enough sleep as opposed to not getting enough, you’ll notice they focus better and are happier.

Energy Conservation

There has to be a source for all that unflappable energy! And your puppy’s naptime is to blame for everything. Building bones, bolstering muscles, and maturing bodily systems all require energy. During sleep, your child’s body experiences all of this growth.

Immune System Development

The immune system changes over time. Because puppies don’t have fully formed immune systems at birth, they require the energy savings sleep offers to strengthen their defenses against disease.

The brain, body, and immune system of your puppy can therefore regenerate and develop while they sleep. To develop into the appealing adult tail-wagger you imagined, a lot of sleep is required.

How Much Do Puppies Sleep?

You might wonder if other pet owners’ dogs also sleep all day when you hang out with them. Unfortunately, it might not be the best method to determine what is normal to compare what your dog does to another dog’s habits.

A number of factors determines how much sleep your dog needs: age, breed, activity level, and environmental conditions.

If your dog generally sleeps between 12-14 hours a day, you likely have nothing to be concerned about, according to the AKC, or American Kennel Club.

However, if your dog is sleeping over 15 hours a day, you should pay close attention to how your dog behaves while awake. Visit your veterinarian right away if they appear lethargic or distant from both people and other animals.

how much do puppies sleeping

If your dog seems to be sleeping more than usual, take any environmental changes into account. Small lifestyle adjustments for your dog could have a big impact on how they sleep.

  • 8 weeks: A puppy will snooze for roughly 20 hours each day.
  • 10-12 weeks: An average puppy snoozes for 18 to 20 hours daily.
  • 14-16 weeks: Around 18 hours per day are spent sleeping for a puppy.
  • 16-18 weeks: The development of your puppy is crucial at this point. It’s an important time for them to learn about their feeding schedule, socialization, and fundamental training, to name a few things. They need a lot of sleep in order for their new habits and behaviors to take.
  • Older dogs and puppies will settle into 12-14 hours of sleep per day. If you’re wondering what stage your dog is in, check out this helpful dog age chart.
  • Hot weather: If your dog becomes drowsy in the summer, watch out for symptoms of heat exhaustion like lethargy, excessive drooling, or vomiting.
  • A schedule change: Has your work schedule recently changed or have you obtained a new position? A dog left alone at home for extended periods of time may get lonely or bored.
  • Playtime has increased: Increases in playtime or exercise may have simply exhausted your dog, and it may take some time for them to get used to the new amount of activity before they resume their regular sleeping schedule.

Does Your Dog Get Enough Sleep?

Lack of sleep can cause serious health issues in puppies. Sleep deprivation symptoms include:

  • Low appetite
  • Grumpy mood
  • Lower activity levels
  • Personality changes – can become aggressive or anti-social
  • Over-excitement: A puppy can exhibit the same behaviors as a toddler who becomes suddenly overly animated, cries easily, or rushes around erratically.

It’s time to visit the vet and rule out any health issues if your puppy exhibits signs of sleep deprivation. A good puppy insurance policy can help keep them safe when the unexpected occurs and reduce vet bills.

A restful night’s sleep can also be hampered by teething. Our puppies experience discomfort as new teeth erupt, just like young children do. All of a sudden, your puppy will want to chew on everything, including the molding in your home, the corner of the carpet, and your shoes and couch!

Tips For Helping Puppy Get Daytime Sleep

Don’t Disturb Your Puppy

Even though it’s difficult to resist holding him and letting him doze off in your lap, you don’t want to be his sole source of comfort when it comes to sleeping.

Families should practice leaving their puppy alone while he sleeps, especially kids. He must be taken outside when he wakes up, so be sure to keep an eye on him.

Demonstrate To Your Puppy Where To Sleep

Encourage him to take a nap in his safe place if he appears sleepy: a crate, a dog bed, or a quiet place in the house where he can nap undisturbed. He may take some time to figure it out, but eventually, he’ll understand that’s where he should sleep.

Follow A Schedule

He should schedule his day so that his active time is followed by his quiet time to sleep. After playtime or a walk, he’ll probably be ready for a nap. Every hour or so, your puppy may take a nap, sleeping for up to two hours. This amount of rest is completely normal.

Identify Signs Of Fatigue

No matter how much fun you’re having, keep him from becoming too worn out. Exhaustion and excessive stimulation can result in undesirable behavior. Take him to his crate or sleeping area and nudge him to relax.

how much do puppies sleeping

Tips For Helping Your Puppy Sleep At Night

Make The Crate Look Inviting

A new puppy shouldn’t be given an expensive dog bed because he will probably chew it up. A soft, reasonably priced blanket made of felted fibers should be used to line the bottom of the crate. Avoid using wool rugs or blankets because they can be chewed into long strings that can choke you.

Bring a soft toy or baby blanket that smells like the dog’s mother home if you can, and keep it in the crate. The puppy’s crate is frequently kept in the owner’s bedroom so that he can feel his family’s presence.

Create A Bedtime Routine

You’ll teach him that the night is for sleeping by establishing a routine early on, and both of you will experience better sleep as a result. For several hours before bedtime, limit the pup’s access to food and water. Take him outside to relieve himself and play with him and cuddle him.

Keep His Bedroom Dark And Quiet

Keep the volume down and the light down if you watch TV in bed. If the room gets morning light, you might even want to use blackout shades. He will know it is time to go to bed when it is quiet and dark. To make your wire crate darker and more like a den, you can place a cover on top of it.

At Bedtime, Resist Giving In

First, make sure your puppy has had a chance to use the restroom and has had plenty of mental and physical exercise throughout the day. Rewarding him with a treat will teach him to enjoy going into his crate. Be ready for some whining, barking, or howling while he adjusts to the routine before he settles down for the night.

Be Ready For Interruptions

Similar to newborn humans, puppies occasionally aren’t quite ready for uninterrupted sleep. It’s possible that your puppy needs to go potty in the middle of the night. You will be able to react if your dog needs to go outside if he is sleeping in a crate in your bedroom.

Take him outside calmly, give him a small reward when he leaves, and then immediately return him to the crate so that he can sleep.

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